Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Downer

Today was a bit sad for me. Trev had a game and there was no where to go afterwards. No Soccer game for Ky.
Unfortunately we pulled him from his team last week. It was a decision that was very very hard to make, but the best thing we think for him and our family. We did sit down and discuss it together. In the recent past Ky had made comments on how he was not extremely happy with the outcome of joining this team.
Since we had joined (which we were es tactic about) , there have been several issues we were dealing with. I won't dive into them cause it is a mude point. Lets just say we were led to believe certain and were misled.
So thinking about it and (probably because I am a bit emotional today). I am teary eyed that he has no schedule to look forward to and the missing of seeing some of the closer team mates on a weekend basis.
I decided to share some awesome pics of my little one so he is not left out today.
These were taken on a whim while my guys were working on part of a 12 Yard dirt delivery for the yard.
The last one is my Favorite!!!!!!! My baby

Greenfield Vs Greendale

This morning we were up bright and early ( well for a Saturday anyway ) He had a 9:00am Game which means we need to be there for 8:00am. Trev got his Bushy hair under control with some good ole H2O and off we went. We had to leave a little early because today I wanted to make a Cappuccino stop. Usually we are off to late. Anyway about 2 minutes into our travels Trev realized he forgot his hat. Hmmmmmmmmmm maybe he should of done his pads last night like dad asked him to do......... So back home grabbed the helmet. As we rushed to get my my drink ( even after it was empty and the girl had to fill it) Coach Dad Holmes started to Panic hehehahaha. Calm down honey, we still made it with maybe a minute or two to spare Whew! No extra before game drills for Trev. Oh ya!!!!!!! Even coach Holmes will assign Up Downs for being tardy ( funny how that is since he is the driver ).
So I was the first there and wiped off the enormous amount of Fall dew off the bleachers ( Ya no towel in the coaches car) Our little group started to arrive and well those who did not bring at least a extra jacket had a bit of a wet rump.
Gram Barb and Great Gram Donna joined us today. Great Gram was convinced that is maybe why they Opened a can of Whoop A--. Well the score was 11-8 so they didn't exactly cream them, but that is enough especially against the Arch Rivals. For those of you who are not up to date, they beat our Varsity group not long ago. Well today our Jr. Hawks came ready to win and that is what they did.
Ohhhhhhhhhh ...................Thank god for Wins for a Happy and uncranky household.
Gram Barb, Great Gram Donna
Watch & Listen Up Guys! My hands are talking
Tyler, Trev and Joey
Trev and Friend T-Bone ( Nathan)head coaches Son
We can do this !
Up Up super star
Good Job Coach Holmes
Ahhhhhhhhhh No! They don't have a program to erase fat faces :(
In order to the Right even top.
Dakota, Joey, T-banes sis, Jenna, Trev, Randi
Trev is Farthest Right hand. Can't tell he is Excited?
In your Face Greendale Our Football Star