I know it has been awhile since my last post, but life is just plain busy. I have enough to sit down and check mail and reply to some of those. Plus I don't always have pics ( I know you can't believe that)
Anyway on Novemeber 3rd I accompanied Ky on a field trip. Yes, he is 7th grade and I know alot of other kids, boys and girls who would be like NO WAY! It is now that it means so much when you can do something like this. They are not getting any younger and as of right now my boys are still happy for me to be a part of things. Even Trev doesn't mind. I have to say not blowing my own horn or anything, but his friends too would not mind it.
Ky brought home the sheet and we chatted about it. I can't remember if he asked or I offered but it was decided I would chaperone. There has been plenty of field trips I signed up for in the past that was unable to go. The teacher said that they picked names out of a hat. It just so happenes it was always the same parents..... Fancy That!
So having this opportunity was really nice and I was pretty excited. I would go on any and all if I could. Oooooooo the kindergarten days.....
So this field trip was great and it was an all dayer with Beautiful weather. The kids did data collecting from wet and dry lands. They took soil samples, found bugs and compared the two for a written assignment at school. Ky had 2 other boys that he worked with, but all together in my group there was 10 I think. There was not really anything to speak of at the shop there but I did buy my three guys and mud rock that you can melt away chip away the outter and find a gem inside. It was nothing great, but they appreciated it.
All in all we learned and experimented and I watched and shared the day with my little man.