Saturday, November 15, 2008

Long to Gone ...

Hummmmmmmm, For those of you who know Ky this will be a total suprise. After many a months and chit chats about taking care of the Long locks my Baby had. Kyle finally was told he was gonna get a cut. I went online and gave him options. It was the middle of last week and he was less than happy still about the upcoming Friday. When we finally got him to go in for trims and I had always taken and reassured him. He could trust me that I would not let anyone screw up, what took him so long to accomplish to make his own identity. In the past we have asked if he would want to cut it to the current styles of messy and semi long. He never cared what people thought and for that I am so glad for his own independence and self confidence. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Here are jsut a few of the many I took at the Salon. Lekisha who has been his gal did a great job and I was not the only one who came out happy. As soon as we got home he had to load the pics to his myspace. Ohhhhhhhhhh did he get the pic comments one right after another ( from Girls) " "Ouuuuuuuuuuu you have a sexy haircut"
"You are so Hawt"
" I am single"I am single Etc.
He had a smile from ear to ear. The girls loved him before the cut, but now he and his bangin bod ( as he says) and hair, he is the man! He loves his new look. I said to him " See Ky I told you I would never let you down with your cuts and styles that would look good on you" He grinned and said "Yep Mom THANKS!"
So here are a few of the many pics I took. You would of thought it was his very firs haircut

My Awesome, Good looking Baby

End Of The Season

Well the Season has officially have ended. Trev had his banquet on Wednesday. It was very nice even though it was in the highschool lunchroom. It was for the 6th 7th and 8th grade players. The coaches get up first and speak and it go's in the order of lower grades first. The coaches do a little schpeel and then hand out trophies and then any awards that the special teams and MVP guys win. They had a Italian theme buffet and of course sweets. Trev recieved a trophy for being a team leader. Trev has recieved an award all three years which makes him feel good and proud of his accomplishments. He can't wait for next year in HIGHSCHOOL ( gosh I feel old). For right now to stay in shape and build up he has joined wrestling. so pics are to come.

Part of the Table of the Gang
Brayden and Trev
Trev and the P's
Brayden, Alec, Trev and Tyler
Middles-Trev and Alec
Almost all the Team
Coach Holmes in back of all the 8th grade trophies
Looking Mean
Top- Joey, T-Bone (Nathan)
Middle - Trev,Ben,Mike,Tyler,Domonic
Bottom Bottom-Ben

River Edge Nature Center

I know it has been awhile since my last post, but life is just plain busy. I have enough to sit down and check mail and reply to some of those. Plus I don't always have pics ( I know you can't believe that)
Anyway on Novemeber 3rd I accompanied Ky on a field trip. Yes, he is 7th grade and I know alot of other kids, boys and girls who would be like NO WAY! It is now that it means so much when you can do something like this. They are not getting any younger and as of right now my boys are still happy for me to be a part of things. Even Trev doesn't mind. I have to say not blowing my own horn or anything, but his friends too would not mind it.
Ky brought home the sheet and we chatted about it. I can't remember if he asked or I offered but it was decided I would chaperone. There has been plenty of field trips I signed up for in the past that was unable to go. The teacher said that they picked names out of a hat. It just so happenes it was always the same parents..... Fancy That!
So having this opportunity was really nice and I was pretty excited. I would go on any and all if I could. Oooooooo the kindergarten days.....
So this field trip was great and it was an all dayer with Beautiful weather. The kids did data collecting from wet and dry lands. They took soil samples, found bugs and compared the two for a written assignment at school. Ky had 2 other boys that he worked with, but all together in my group there was 10 I think. There was not really anything to speak of at the shop there but I did buy my three guys and mud rock that you can melt away chip away the outter and find a gem inside. It was nothing great, but they appreciated it.
All in all we learned and experimented and I watched and shared the day with my little man.