Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Almost all Grown UP

Yesterday Trev and I made a trip to Safety First driving school to pick up his papers to go and get his temps for driving. It took us all of about 15 minutes tops at the DMV to obtain this very important pieve of plastic. Trev was a bitnervous cause he kept telling me how we needed to make sure to tell them we are jsut getting his temps and that he already took the test so he wouldn't have to take it again. Although he didn't get any wrong so I don't know waht he was so worried about. Of course mom had to snaps some pics and those who notived jsut smirked like Ooooooooooo that is so cute. We headed out and to the DMV sign for the official pic. He didn't mind at all cause he made the comment that this was a very big event in his life. Ya like it wouldn't of mattered I still would of made him take pics anyway. LOL From the parking lot he proceeded to drive for the next 2.5 plus hours. We went ALL around the neighborhood, made a trip to Grama Dorothys. It then hit me that he was actually driving and I started to ball out of nowhere. Fromt here he decided he needed a fruit smoothie from McDonalds where he parked rather well and we went in seeing as though I don't know if I really wanted to chance hitting the drive thru apperatice. We headed home where he parked in the drive due to my car was in the garage and I thought maybe that would of been a bit much the first day to squeeze in. Pete came home heard all the excitement and we then had our new chauffer take us to walmartto buy him a new wallet for his new piece of gold.
Here are some pics from the big day
Mr.P Safety First Driving School
Signature Please
Read the first line
Chin up a bit and ready 1-2-3 snap
The day is finally here
Look I actually have it OK here we go!!!

Just doesn't look right to Mom