Friday, October 31, 2008

Brotherly LOVE

I wanted to get a bunch of yard work done yesterday. Being it was the start of our weekend cause we were off of school, why not get it done. Trev had some plans so he the night before decided he was going to wake up at 8:00( which is unheard of for him on a day off) So I had already started and he peeked out the garage door and said he was going to eat and he woul dbe out. He came out and shortly after Kyle joined us. We got alot accomplised and of course there was a bit of hoarsing around.
Apparently there is a new male bonding game between at least Teenagers called SACK TAP! Well I am sure most of you can guess what that involves. Soooooooooooooooo Trev decided to give Ky a tap first and all H E double hockey sticks broke out. Ky tackled Trev and procceded to give him a what forin. Then Trev picked up Ky and I for sure thought he was going to drop him head first. That lead to the back yard where the antics continued. Finally I gave serious warning and told then to take a few no violent and nice pics and they bearly could calm down for the few minutes it took. Anyway Here are some of the Dangerous , but hilarious show they gave me. I am sure in the from yard, the old Neighbors we have were enjoying it too.
Trev Making Ky show the LOVE
Finally a nice calm one.
Got Captin
Up Up and Away
Round and Round we go where he stops nobody knows "AHHHHHHHHHHHH He is gonna drop me , MOM! "
Take That Punk and That
Ohhhhhh Slap jack
Come On big guy
POW to the kisser

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