Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

I meant to get this out but time flys by and I had to add and add to finish
Well another year has come and gone. This past year brought so much, Some great ,not so great and then there is the GOOD things.

Last Summer was full of sadness, stress and amazement. My grandfather (mom's Dad) whom I am so very close with was in the hospital after a stroke. I along with most of the family feared the worst due to his condition. He was in the hospital for a big stretch. Daily I would go to visit and sometimes stay for 6 plus hours and sometimes I would share a shift with My Grandmother and my Mom and Aunt. If I was eve shift I would never leave him till I was totally sure he was in bed tucked in and going to sleep. He was so unable to do for himself and I felt he was not given the attention he needed. Well..... Days went by and there was a HUGE turn around. To much of our amazement he was starting to be able to stay awake, talk to where you could start to understand him, move around instead of having 3-4 people move him,be productive with his upper limbs. The biggest thing was he started to get feisty. He had put his stubborn mind to it and decided he was going nowhere but home. That is when we really knew he was turned around. From there to a rehab where he worked so terribly hard to get home. I was a part of every step and I know he is happy I was. He is home now and with the exception of his on and off dementia he is doing well. I am elated to still have him with us and to have had him at my home for X-mas this year.
I am so thankful for my Grandma Gen who has be dealing with Kidney issues and she continues to stay strong. She lives life full and although she misses my Gramp she knows we are all here for her in a heartbeat. She is near 90 and still shovels, cleans windows and lots of other things to keep her busy. She may as well be 60. GO GRAMA!! GO GRAMA!!
From there School started for my 2 young men. My boys who amaze me daily are turning 13 & 14. Kyle on the 4th and Trevor on the 17th of January. They are both awesome students and have so much going for them.

Trev who is presently in 8th grade is involved in National Junior Honor Society which he has done hours of volunteer work all summer and still plans and takes part in some events. He is also in Problem solvers club which is a after school. It is a focus their minds club, where they problem solve many different scenario's from world piece to scientific projects. He is also in Football where he had some injuries, but pushed on through in a few games for the Jr. Hawks. He received a award for leadership Playing Center and Middle Linebacker. He has received that one all years and also one for perfect attendance. Forensics ( Public speaking ) is a huge thing for him. He has went to State Competition the last 2 years with Blue Ribbons and has brought home a ribbon and hopes to accomplish top this year. He really loves to express himself and is so calm in front of others. Recently with sadness he was in Wrestling. His first match ever in the 1st period he proceeded to break his collar bone which took him out for the season and is mending as we speak. The big thing about this incident is he played the entire match before he let anyone know. Everyone even adults are totally amazed at his ambition. He is very popular and is all about appearance and confidence. He does not let much get in his way of success.

Kyle who is presently in 7th grade is a awesome soccer player. He was playing for the Kickers and we thought it would be a good decision to move him up. We had him try out for a elite team and he played for the Serbian organization. He was having some issues with his knees and heel so to the Orthopedic doctor we went. We found out he has a growth issues. His knees have what is called (Oshgood schlaughters disease) and his heel (Seiverts disease). Although he loves soccer we all sat down and talked it over. We thought it best to have him out for the rest of the season. He has felt better and that is all that matters. He is able to do all activities without issues lately and is practicing his Skateboarding techniques (watch out Tony Hawk). He was to the moon excited with his New Board for X-Mas (not cheap, but the one he wanted). Kyle is also in forensics for his first year, and is excited about it. His goal is to have fun with it and I know he will succeed with talent. he was recently in a Christmas Carol play and he was so cute, For a young Dude man that is :) He is also thinking he is going to take a stab at Baseball and Football this coming year. He has said he is going to put off Soccer till High school and try some other interests. I know he will really go get em with his spunky little self.

Then we have Peter J Holmes. whom I could not live without. He is a amazing man, father, and Husband. There are really not enough words I can say to express how much he really means to me. He has really brought me to wear a did not think I would be at this point in my life. He has always been right there next to me. When It felt as though I was falling he is the net that has and still continues to fling me right back into place. He works so hard to make each day positive. Although we are totally sarcastic at times around people and I play the pant wearer. I do hold him on a golden pedestal. When I think of how much I love him it makes me feel so lucky. His gentleness makes my heart thump so hard I feel it in my throat and also still gives my butterflies, his humor tickles my soul and makes my smile hurt, his being makes my head spin my soul warm and my eyes water with total happiness and joy.
Along with what I feel he shows others how awesome he is. This past year he coached Trevs football team and I saw him beam with joy teaching those kids what he loved in school. He was only going to coach one year. He did it to have a chance since he had helped coach Kyle in soccer. Although that was the plan, he is continuing on this coming year. He is gone a lot and that means (I have to be the cook) :P. To see him in action and the passion in his eyes I could not bear to think of taking that away from him.
As for me I am still working for the Franklin School District helping those kids who really and truly need someone to stand by them. Those kids who don't get support at home, and have bad behavior to those who truly are learning disabled. It does give me a great sense of accomplishment to know what a difference I have made in those I have had to those who I presently work with. When you see a child who does not even have the phonics down pat. To reading 2 grades up in 1 year that is great.
I also have supported my own kids in everything they do. They know I love them to infinity and I would give my life to save theirs. about a year and a half ago I had some tests before med's were given to me for migraines. In the routine scans they found what is called a brain (Pineal Cyst). It is located at the base of my brain where the spinal column ends before your skull starts. It was not explained to me by the Nurse Practitioner who gave me the news . Not only was she unprofessional about it, it scared the hell out of me. I then did research and found that they are not cancerous. That took a load off. Although it can give horrible effects mine is not progressing there. I have headaches I feel are migraines and not associated with it. Recently had my scans and all is well size wise.
Going into the New Year we face many new Challenges and great times ahead. Our boys becoming men I can't even believe it. Us keeping them as safe as we can and continuing to teach them the way to be good people and live good and honest lives. I myself need to become more stable with some mental issues I have. I need to try to let go of things as they come and go. I need to worry less and start to enjoy the days I have now. With that and those who are hit by the economy. Pete has been off a lot and work is not steady for him for some time. Things are horribly slow . He has worked for the same company since we were dating, so that's 20 years ago. Please keep us in your thoughts as we will those of you hit hard by this time.
In closing I would like to tell some of the many things I am grateful for. I am grateful that my Cousin Eric is home from Iraq and staying because he will not be reenlisting. My Grandparents along with Pete's Grandma being healthy for the most part and still having them in my, Pete and my children's lives. Our true and loving Friends and Family who support us and our children and we love them very much. There is probably so much more but I need to stop with the bio.....
I hope that you all have a wonderful New Year with many people you truly love. Also to the new memories, Health and experiences to share .

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