Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ky's Thing

Here is Ky is his element. Ky plays other sports, but Soccer is his thing. He practices super hard at all practices and his coaches can't say enough about how he not only listens, but how he is a asset to the team. We did not sign him up originally because he was going to play football this year again. He went to a few games with his twin friends and ended up subbing for his old team a few times. His coaches saw that he was still a super star and had to have him back. They actually called us and asked us can we PLEASE.............. have him back. So they worked it out money wise where he could participate the remainder of the games and tourneys at no cost to us.
If you notice almost 100% of the close ups you can totally see his tounge out. He loves to head the ball too.

Serbs Vs Germantown

Croation Tourney

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